Keep the U.P. Wild
A poem by Amber Johnston, owner, Bodega , Marquette, MI.

I Got My Dream Job! The Only Downside is it’s Not in the U.P.
Check It Out: Daily Mining Gazette Column by Elise Rosky

Celebrating 60 Years of Wilderness in the Midwest
September is the 60th Anniversary of the National Wilderness Act. Here are a few of our local favorites and new opportunities!

Going Wild in Michigan’s Western Upper Peninsula
Local Western U.P. organizations and businesses have united with their downstate peers and statewide groups as Keep the U.P. Wild to propose new Wilderness protections in four treasured areas of the Ottawa National Forest: the Ehlco area, Trap Hills, Norwich Plains, and Sturgeon River Gorge addition.

Suggested Hikes on the Wild Side
Here are snapshots of four suggested hikes of varying length and difficulty to choose from on your Western U.P. adventure into the areas of the Ottawa National Forest proposed by Keep the U.P. Wild to become Wilderness: