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Let’s keep the U.P. wild for generations to come.

Join the 400 Michigan organizations and businesses working to preserve our state’s last great natural places.

Wilderness Keeps Our Space Ours

A Call to Action for Michigan


The 1964 Wilderness Act has helped protect the natural habitats of many of our country’s most spectacular natural areas. By their very definition, these are exceptional places. So exceptional, in fact, that few remain that meet the criteria for protection.

Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is a place like no other, and its most pristine places—including the Ehlco area, the Trap Hills, Norwich Plains, and the Sturgeon River Gorge—deserve our nation’s greatest protection.

These four areas deserve Wilderness protection because they are essential parts of what makes the U.P. the gem we know, of what makes the U.P. home. We owe it to ourselves, to our children, and to our grandchildren to protect these lands as a legacy, protect these uses, and keep the U.P. wild.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw more people immerse themselves in nature than ever before to rejuvenate their spirits, kindle friendships and stay fit. It’s what makes our $26.6 billion outdoor recreation economy ever-growing and Michigan a premiere outdoors state for residents and visitors alike.
— Conan Smith, President & CEO of Michigan Environmental Council